Journal Articles

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  • Mekasha, A., Tegegn, A., Workiye, M., Min, D., Bascom, N., and Vipham, J. 2022. Adaptation, Forage Yield And Nutritional Value of Newly Released Forage Sorghum Variety (Guta) In Ethiopia. Livestock Research Results 2021 Volume 10. Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research. 

  • Mekasha, A., Tegegn, A., Workiye, M., Min, D., Bascom, N., and Vipham, J. 2022. Adaptation, Forage Yield And Nutritional Value of Newly Released Forage Sorghum Variety (Guta) In Ethiopia. Livestock Research Results 2021 Volume 10. Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research.

  • Wu, F., Headey, D., Hirvonen, K., Pokharel, A., Tessema, M. 2024. Study protocol to assess aflatoxin M1 health risks vs. benefits of dairy consumption in Ethiopian children: An epidemiological trial and risk-benefit analysis. BMJ Open.

  • Tessema, T. T., Nurfeta, A., and Tolera, A. 2023. Agronomic characteristics, forage yield, and chemical composition of Urochloa grass cultivars under midland climatic conditions of southern Ethiopia. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 26(3).

  • Mekonen, T., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Bradford, B.J. and Yigrem, S. 2023. Effects of Substituting Noug Seed Cake with Pigeon Pea Leaves or Desmodium Hay on Performance of Male Dairy Calves.

  • Mechlowitz, K., Singh, N., Li, X., Chen, D., Yang, Y., A.J., Rabil, A., Cheraso, A.J., Roba, K.T., Manary, M., Yousuf Hassen, J., Rajashekara, G., Yimer, G., Havelaar, A. and McKune, S. 2023. Women’s Empowerment and Child Nutrition in a Context of Shifting Livelihoods in Eastern Ethiopia. Frontiers in Nutrition.

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. GGE biplot analysis of genotype by environment interaction and grain yield stability of oat (Avena sativa L.) in Ethiopia. Agrosystems, Geosciences & environment. Pp. 1-16.

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. Grain yield stability analysis using parametric and nonparametric statistics in oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in Ethiopia. Grassland Research, pp. 1-15.

  • Zelalem, A., Abegaz, K., Kebede, A., and Vipham, J.V. 2023. Targeted training-based interventions to improve food safety practices in municipal abattoirs of Ethiopia. J Consum Prot Food Saf (2023).

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. Multivariate analysis for yield and yield-related traits of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in Ethiopia. Ecological genetics and genomics 28(2023), pp. 1-11.

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2023. Genotype by environment interaction and stability analysis for selection of superior fodder yield performing oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes using GGE biplot in Ethiopia. Ecological genetics and genomics 28(2023), pp. 1-11.

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Jifar, H., and Feyissa, F. 2023. Stability analysis for fodder yield of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes using univariate statistical models under diverse environmental conditions in Ethiopia. Ecological genetics and genomics 29(2023), pp. 1-13.

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2024. Grain yield stability analysis for oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes using additive main effects and multiplicative interactions model under different environments in Ethiopia. Ecological Genetics and Genomics,

  • Minten, B., Beyene, S. and Reardon, T. 2020. Post-harvest losses in rural-urban value chains: Evidence from Ethiopia. Food Policy.   

  • Vipham, J.L., Amenu, K., Alonso, S., Ndahetuye, J.B., Zereyesus, Y., Nishimwe, K., Bowers, E., Maier, D., Sah, K., Havelaar, A. and Grace, D. 2020. No Food Security without food safety: Lessons from livestock related research. Global Food Security, Volume 26.

  • Anato, A., Headey, D., Hirvonen, K., Pokharel, A., Tessema, M., Wu, F., and Baye, K. 2024. Feed handling practices, aflatoxin awareness and children's milk consumption in the Sidama region of southern Ethiopia. One Health, 18, 100672.

  • Bizimana, J.-C., Derseh, M.B., Adie, A., Kiker, G. 2023. Simulated economic and nutritional impacts of irrigated fodder and crossbred cows on farm households in southern Ethiopia. World Development Perspective Volume 31.

  • Minten, B., Habte, Y., Baye, K. and Tamru, S. 2023. Food safety and incipient modern value chains: Evidence from milk in Ethiopia. Eur J Dev Res.

  • Ye’i, Y., Mummed, Y., Kurtu, M., Leta, M., O’Quinn, and T., Kebede K. 2024. Beef quality of Hararghe highland bull following different hours of draught service. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A—Animal Science, 1-14.

  • Mohammed, K., Tamir, B., Kitaw, G., Feyissa, F., Galmessa, U., Kehaliew, A., Geleti, D., Balehegn, M., and Adesogan, A. 2023b. Feed intake and growth performance of crossbred dairy calves fed on a basal diet of wheat straw treated with urea-molasses, urea-lime, and effective microorganisms. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 52(1).

  • Birhanu A.F., Mummed, Y.Y, Kurtu, M.Y., O’Quinn, T. and Jiru, J.T. 2019. Level of pre-slaughter stress and quality of beef from Arsi, Boran and Harar cattle breeds in Ethiopia. Cogent Food and Agriculture 5: 1694233.

  • Erge, C., Mummed, Y., Musa, A., Kefenie, K., Kurtu, Y., Gemeda, T., and O’Quinn, T. 2024. Exploratory study of growth performance of Harar, Ogaden, Arsi, and Jersey× Horro crossbred bulls fed corn silage based finishing diet. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1), 2312698.

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2023. Agro-morphological traits-based genetic diversity assessment on oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in the central highlands of Ethiopia. ALL LIFE 2023, 16(1) pp. 1-17.

  • Li, X., Chen, D., Hassen, J., Liang, S., McKune, S., Havelaar, A., Blackburn, J. 2024. Geospatial Analysis of Multilevel Socio-environmental Factors Impacting the Campylobacter Burden Among Infants in Rural Eastern Ethiopia: A One Health Perspective. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  • Deblais, L., Ojeda, A., Bhrane, M., Ibrahim, B., Abdi, K., Usmael, B., Demisie, Y., Amin, J., Ahmed, I., Usmane, I., Yusuf, E., Usmail, M., Mummed, B., Game, H., Abrahim, F., Seran, A., Umer, K., Dawid, M., French, N.P., Gebreyes, W., Hassen, J., Manary, M., Ibrahim, A., Roba, K., Saleem, C., Dehao, C., McKune, S., Havelaar, A., and Rajashekara, G. 2023. Prevalence and load of Campylobacter genus in infants and associated household in rural Eastern Ethiopia: a longitudinal study from the Campylobacter Genomics and Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (CAGED) Project. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

  • Biratu, K., Urge, M., Kitaw, G., Feyissa, F. and Adesogan, A.T., 2024. Productive Performance of Lactating Crossbred Dairy Cows Fed with Wheat Straw‐Based Densified Complete Feed Block. Advances in Agriculture, 2024(1).

  • Magalhães, M., Ojeda, A., Mechlowitz, K., Brittain, K., Daniel, J., Roba, K.T., Hassen, J.Y., Manary, M.J., Gebreyes, W.A., Havelaar, A.H. and McKune, S.L. 2022. Socioecological predictors of breastfeeding practices in rural eastern Ethiopia. International Breastfeeding Journal, 17, 93.

  • Yimer, G., Gebreyes, W., Havelaar, A., Yousuf, J, McKune, S.L., Mohammed, A. and O’Mathúna, D. 2020. Community engagement and building trust to resolve ethical challenges during humanitarian crises: experience from the CAGED study. Conflict and Health 14, 68. 

  • Bardosh, K.L., Hussein, J.W., Sadik, E.A., Hassen, J.Y., Ketema, M., Ibrahim, A.M., McKune, S.L. and Havelaar, A.H. 2020. Chicken eggs, childhood stunting and environmental hygiene: an ethnographic study from the Campylobacter genomics and environmental enteric dysfunction (CAGED) project in Ethiopia. One Health Outlook 2, 5.  

  • Minten, B., Habte, Y., Beyene, S.T. and Tesfaye, A. 2020. The transforming dairy sector in Ethiopia. Plos One, 15(8).

  • Biratu, K., Urge, M., Kitaw, G., Feyissa, F., and Adesogan, A. 2021. Conservation, Processing and Utilization Practices of Cereal Straw as Basal Feed for Dairy Cattle in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. East African Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 5(1), 1-14.

  • Biratu, K., Urge, M., Kitaw, G., Feyissa, F., and Adesogan, A. 2021. Conservation, Processing and Utilization Practices of Cereal Straw as Basal Feed for Dairy Cattle in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia. East African Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 5(1), 1-14.

  • Abdu, Y., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., and Bradford, B. 2023. Effect of locally available and commercial preservatives on nutrient content, organic matter digestibility and microbial changes of wet brewers' grain. Veterinary Integrative Sciences, 21(2), 273-289.

  • Ashagrie, A.K., Feyissa, F., Kebede, G., Faji, M., Mohammed, K., Mengistu, G., Kitaw, G., Dejene, M., Geleti, D., Minta, M., Rios, E.F., Balehegn, M., and Adesogan, A.T. 2023. Enhancing dairy productivity through best bet feeding interventions under smallholders in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Front. Anim. Sci. 4:1118437.

  • Hatew, B., Peñagaricano, F., Gebremikael, M., Jones, Chris, Dahl, G.E., Adesogan, A.T. 2023. Synergies of feed, management trainings, and genetics on milk production of dairy cows in the tropics: The case of Ethiopian smallholder farmers. Frontiers in Animal Science 4 (2023): 18.

  • Melesse, A., Bezabih, M., Adie, A., Asmare, Y.T., Prasad, K.V., Devulapalli, R., Jones, C.S., Blummel, M., Hanson, J., Alemu, T., and Duncan, A., 2023. Price-quality relationships for the main livestock feed types in the Ethiopian feed market. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, pp.1-12.

  • Walelegne, M., Meheret, F., Derseh, M.B., Dejene, M., Asmare, Y., Prasad, K.V., Jones, C.S., Dixon, R.M., and Duncan, A.J. 2023. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy using a portable instrument to measure the nutritive value of oilseed meal as livestock feed. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, p.1203449.

  • Mengistu, G., Kebede, G., Faji, M., Feyissa, F., Mohammed, K., Kehaliew, A., Geleti, D., Minta, M., Balehegn, M., Rios, E.F.,  Adesogan, A.T., Dubeux, J.C.B., Boote, K.J. 2024. Morphological characteristics, dry matter yield, and nutritive value of maralfalfa grass (Pennisetum spp.) grown under different planting densities in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Frontiers in Animal Science, Volume 4-2023.

  • Kebede, G., Faji, M., Feyissa, F., Mengistu, G., Kehaliew, A., Mohammed, K., Dejene, M., Geleti, D., Minta, M., Balehegn, M. and Boote, K.J., 2024. Productivity and economic feasibility of cultivated forage and food crops in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Frontiers in Animal Science, Volume 5 - 2-24.

  • Feyisa, T., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Balehegn, M. and Adesogan, A. 2024. Availability, distribution and quality of agro-industrial byproducts and compound feeds in Ethiopia. Frontiers in Animal Science. Volume 5.

  • Mechlowitz, K., Singh, N., Li, X., Chen, D., Rabil, A., Che.raso, A.J., Ahmed, I.A., Amin, J.K., Gebreyes, W.A., Hassen, J.Y., Ibrahim, A.M., Manary, M.J., Rajashekara, G., Roba, K.T., Usmane, I.A., Havelaar, A.H., McKune, S.L. Women's Empowerment and Child Nutrition in a Context of Shifting Livelihoods in Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia. Front Nutr, 2023;10:1048532.

  • Terefe, Y., Deblais, L., Ghanem, M., Helmy, Y.A., Mummed, B., Chen, D., Singh, N., Ahyong, V., Kalantar, K., Yimer, G., Hassen, J.Y., Mohammed, A., McKune, S.L., Manary, M.J., Ordiz, M.I., Gebreyes, W., Havelaar, A.H. and Rajashekara, G. 2020. Co-occurrence of campylobacter species in children from eastern Ethiopia, and their association with environmental enteric dysfunction, diarrhea, and host microbiome. Frontiers in Public Health, 8(99).   

  • Tefera, T.D., Mummed, Y.Y., Kurtu, M.Y., Letta, M.U., O’Quine, T.G. and Vipham, J.L. July 2019. Effect of age and breeds of cattle on carcass and meat characteristics of arsi, boran, and harar cattle in Ethiopia. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 9, 367-383.

  • Birhanu, A.F., Mummed, Y.Y. and Kurtu, M.Y. 2020. Level of bruising and dark-firm-dry carcasses from bulls of Arsi, Boran and Harar cattle breeds in Ethiopia. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 10, 203-218.

  • Zelalem, A., Abegaz, K., Kebede, A., Terefe, Y., Schwan, C.L. and Vipham, J.L. 2021. Food safety knowledge, attitudes, and hygienic practices of abattoir workers in Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study. Food Protection Trends, 41(5):501.

  • Kebede, G., Worku, W., Feyissa, F., and Jifar, H. 2023. Correlation and path coefficient analysis for quantitative traits of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad), 100(2), pp. 68-88.

  • Tsegaye, M., Tolera, A., Nurfeta, A., Ashagrie, A. K., and Kebreab, E. 2023. Milk yield and composition of crossbred and indigenous Boran cows fed hay supplemented with various levels of energy. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 35 (5).

  • Gadisa, B., Yusuf, Y., Kurtu M.aY. 2019. Evaluation of physical facilities, operation and management practice in selective public abattoirs in Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia. Int. J. Agric. Sc. Food Technol. 5(1): 043-049. 10.17352/2455-815X.000040.

  • Anato, A., Headey, D., Hirvonen, K., Pokharel, A., Tessema, M., Wu, F., and Baye, K. 2024. From animal feed to milk consumption: Assessment of the risk of aflatoxin contamination. One Health 18:100672.