Accredited Ethiopian Journals Publishing Livestock Science related subjects/studies
Journal: Arsi journal of Science and innovation (AJSI)
- Publishers: Arsi university
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: Biannually in May and October.
- Location: Assela
- ISSN: 2520-4963
- eISSN: ....
Journal: Debre Markos university journal of interdisplinary studies (DMU JIS)
- Publishers: Debre Markos university
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: Bi-annual
- Location: Debre Markos
- ISSN: 2521-8115
- eISSN: ...
Journal: East Africa journal of science
- Publishers: Haramaya University
- Year: 2021 and 2024
- No. publ. per year: Twice yearly - January & June
- Location: Harar
- eISSN: 1992-0407
Journal: East Africa journal of health and Biomedical Sciences (EAJHBS)
- Publishers: Haramaye University
- Year: 2022 and 2024
- No. publ. per year: Once per year
- Location: Harar
- ISSN: 2519 - 917X
- eISSN: 2959-2097
Journal: Ethiopian journal of Agricultural science
- Publishers: Ethiopian agricultural research institute
- Year: 2021 and 2024
- No. publ. per year: Four times in a year (January, April, July, and October)
- Location: Addis Ababa
- ISSN: 0257 - 2605
- eISSN: 2415-2382
Journal: Ethiopian journal of applied science and technology
- Publishers: Jimma university
- Year: 2021 and 2024
- No. publ. per year: Twice yearly
- Location: Jimma
- ISSN: - - -
- eISSN: 2220 - 9328
Journal: Ethiopian Journal of Animal production (EJAP)
- Publishers: Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP)
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: Once per year (May)
- Location: Addis Ababa
- ISSN: 1607-3835
- eISSN: 3005-2645
Journal: Ethiopian journal of development research
- Publishers: Addis Ababa University
- Year: 2024
- No. publ. per year: Twice per year (April and October)
- Location: Addis Ababa
- ISSN: 0378-0813
- eISSN: ----
Journal: Ethiopian journal of education and sciences (EJES)
- Publishers: Jimma University
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: Bi-annual (September and March)
- Location: Jimma
- ISSN: 1998-8907
- eISSN: ---
Journal: - Ethiopian journal of science and Technology (EJST)
- Publishers: Bahir Dar university
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: - A triannual publication
- Location: - Bahir Dar
- ISSN: - 1816-3378
- eISSN: - 2312-6019
Journal: - Ethiopian veterinary journal (EVJ)
- Publishers: Ethiopian Veterinary Association
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: - Once per year
- Location: - Addis Ababa
- ISSN: 1683-6324
- eISSN: 2221-5034
Journal: - Journal of dryland
- Publishers: Mekelle University
- Year: 2021
- No. publ. per year: - Bi-annually (June and December)
- Location: - Mekelle
- ISSN: 2412-5180
- eISSN: 2408-9532
Journal: - Journal of Science and Development
- Publishers: Hawassa University
- Year: 2021
- No. publ. per year: - Bi-annually
- Location: - Hawassa
- ISSN: 2222-5722
- eISSN: ---
Journal: - Journal of science and inclusive development (JSID)
- Publishers: Wolaita Sodo University
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: - Two issues per year
- Location: - Wolaita
- ISSN: ---
- eISSN::- 2708-3756
Journal: - Momona Ethiopian journal of science (MEJS)
- Publishers: Mekelle University
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: - Twice a year
- Location: - Mekelle
- ISSN: 2073-073X
- eISSN: 2220-184X
Journal: - The Ethiopian journal of science and sustainable
- Publishers: Adama Science & Technology University (ASTU)
- Year: 2022
- No. publ. per year: - Twice a year
- Location: - Adama
- ISSN: 1998-0531
- eISSN: 2663-3205